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Re: Harrison vs. Pants Pass

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 3:44 pm
by sekihiker
I remember N-S Harrison as being much easier than W_E Pants. Little Joe has been interesting the three times I've been down it and the once I've gone up. I have never had the courage to tackle Lucy's but have only looked at it from the top several times. Thunder Pass was exhausting N-S but not technically difficult. Milly's has a technically difficult upper hundred feet on its west side because it is steep and slick due to the faulting of the rock in the pass. It is a challenge W-E and could be an intimidating slide down E_W for some hikers. I lowered my pack down with a cord over the Milly's E-W slide. Otherwise, Milly's is the easiest of the bunch in my experience; just easy cross country from either side with the short nasty part at the top on the west side. If your group is carrying a climbing rope, an E-W rapel of Milly's would be a piece of cake.